Thursday, April 12, 2007

blogging code of cuntduct

I’d like to thank ‘writer’ for his latest slight against my good-self over at the advertising agency. His barbed attempt to denigrate my character is not an uncommon activity - and one 'account wranglers' the world-over would be familiar with from their respective fake-writers.

So, I hear you ask, why the hell am I thanking this so-called 'writer' who subscribes to a code of blogging cuntduct?

Simple. 'Writer' works for my agency as a freelancer. In fact, today he's working on several of my inspiring, original and strategically perfect briefs. Well, at least I thought he was. Which brings me to my very own, and yes now very public, cunt-act. As Account Director, I thank you writer, now I will generate another $270 by striking an hour off your timesheet, yet still charging the client for it. Please post outside of work hours, writer.

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